“Let's Talk Rubbish”

Upcycling not just recycling
by Michael Smith (Veshengro)
Tatchipen Media, August 2010
82 pages
E-book £4.50
“Let's Talk Rubbish” is an A4 size E-book with ideas and suggestions, including a number of projects, of how to reuse and upcycle various items of trash, rubbish, or whatever you may wish to call it.
As I have explained in the book, this is very much a “work in progress” in that, really, such a book is never ever going to be finished. I get new ideas as to how to reuse and upcycle this or that on an almost daily basis and I am sure readers will, once their mind gets going on this subject, end up doing the same.
Originally the title was to have been “Talking Trash” but as that name was not available on Blogger so the change was made to “Let's Talk Rubbish”, which will be as good as, for instance, in Britain, trash is not as much used for waste and refuse but rather the term rubbish. However, we will not be talking rubbish or trash in the book but about it.
I hope that readers will, once their mind gets going on this subject, and they come up with their own ideas, share those with others via the forum for this book on the Green Living Planet.
The book can be purchased, so far, only from this website, as an E-book, which you then may, if you wish, print (and bind) at home.
Payment for the book is via PayPal and the E-book, as a PDF, will be emailed to you immediately after PayPal advises us of your purchase.
If you have issues with PayPal then please contact me by email at churimengro1 [at] yahoo [dot] com for other payment options. Those options will, however, delay you receiving the book.
The book is a is 2.2 MB PDF file. You will require Adobe Acrobat or other PDF reader to open and read/print the book.