“The End of Oil”
What happens when the cheap oil is gone and then all the oil
by Michael Smith (Veshengro)
Tatchipen Media, July 2010
70 pages
E-book £3.95
Printed & Bound £5.95 (£9.95 inclusive of worldwide delivery)
This slim volume is, basically, an essay on what life will be like after the event and how to prepare for it.
I have not tried to reinvent the wheel here with this book as regards “Peak Oil” for there are other, much more in-depth, books available on that matter. I want to, however, with my book, help the reader to understand the implications of the oil age coming to an end and to give the reader food for thought as to how to prepare for this event and the new world after the event. In the back there is a small section with a couple of resources listed, in the form of books, and other publications, including websites. Anyone wishing to delve deeper into the subject and especially the preparation for the new world beyond the oil age can find out more via those and other sources.
The book can be bought only from this website, as either an E-book, which you then may, if you wish, print (and bind) at home, or a printed and bound copy (though unfortunately the mailing costs are rather high), and, as printed and bound copies via certain rural markets and other events in the USA and, hopefully, also in the UK.
If you wish to purchase a printed and bound copy please contact me via email at churimengro [at] yahoo [dot] com with your mailing address after having made the payment via PayPal.
Please also let me have your email in this way, just in case PayPal forgets to do it, for the E-book so that it can be mailed out to you immediately upon receipt of payment. The book is a PDF file and is 1.28MB in size. You will require Adobe Acrobat or other PDF reader to open and read/print the book.
You can read an extract from the book here.
Buy the book and pay securely via PayPal