Things You Should NOT be Paying For

Michael Smith (Veshengro)
Media, August 2010
18 pages A4 size eBook
Price: FREE (download below)
“Things You Should NOT be Paying For” is a thin A4 volume of a few thoughts and ideas as to things that you should not and don't have to be paying for.
I am a firm believer in not paying for something that I can get for nothing either as a freebie or by upcycling trash or by using something that someone else has thrown away or lost and not claimed.
You too can find free things anywhere if you just keep your eyes wide open for them and, as far as computer software and other things are concerned, if you know where to look.
I like to work like that as it is kind on my wallet and also kind on the Planet, and both of those considerations matter greatly to me.
One important thing: Never pay for something that you do not want or need and always check whether there is another way of obtaining something that you want or need (aside from stealing).
I am making this book available free of charge, with no strings attached, though in the hope that, at some stage, you may consider purchasing one or the other book of mine and other published by Tatchipen Media.
hope you will enjoy the book and if you wish to comment you can do so
on the Green Living Planet Message Board.